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From the September 1920 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The law of God is ever active, right here and everywhere, this minute and eternally,—and that is the only real activity there is, ever was, or ever will be. Now if you can conceive of anything that has power to obstruct, check, clog, or oppose this omnipotent, omnipresent law of God, then you have a false concept, wholly mental, to contradict and correct. When this is done, there can be but one result—perfect manifestation of perfect action. There is nothing so near to us as the law of God; it is nearer than anything we can see or touch, encircling us every minute of the day and night, and leaving no room, not the slightest cavity or crevice for any opposing power.

Every seeming woe of the universe is but the same lie in some form or another; namely, that there is interference of some kind with the perfect action of God's law; and it needs only the clear realization of absolute oneness to banish the false belief with all its attending fears, subjective states and conditions, regardless of how evident they are to the senses or how long the lie has been accepted. What is this thing that claims to come between the ideas of God, causing friction and strife? Was friction ever caused by one power? Does it not take two objects or powers opposing each other to cause friction? Then are we not abandoning our belief in oneness when we accept the thought of friction?

How about the belief in sickness? Is it not a thought of destruction, one power opposing another? From whence cometh the opposition to Life when Life is infinite, omnipotent omnipresent? There is no opposition, and the sooner we prove this for ourselves in the simple everyday problems, the sooner will we gain the confidence and understanding which are the invariable reward of earnest seekers.

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