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Testimonies of Healing

I am truly grateful for the opportunity...

From the September 1920 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I am truly grateful for the opportunity to write my testimony and share with others my individual experience in proof of the fact that Christian Science heals the sick. In the spring of 1912 I had nervous prostration, and my attending physician so declared it. I believe that from his point of view he did all he could, and he expressed much kindness. I fully realized that materia medica could not help me and was really very glad to turn to Christian Science, for I felt it would help me, although I knew little about it. I had suffered all my life from weak nerves, and a law of recurrence had been held over me by many of my friends, this being the fourth time that I had broken down. My husband and I talked the matter over and he was quite willing for me to send for a friend with whom I stayed one time before when I had been condemned as a nervous wreck. This friend had metaphysical help when needed and at one time had called a practitioner in for me when I needed help very much. I realized it was through divine Love that better conditions came about, but did not study the Science at that time. When this experience came to me again I was willing to read the Bible and the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," the Lesson-Sermon and the authorized Christian Science literature, and tried to apply what I learned from them, and I can truly say I am grateful for all of them.

I am healed but was not healed instantaneously. If I had been I might not have studied the works as I was given opportunity. I have since established a home and am able to do what seems necessary. I have had the privilege of class instruction, for which I am grateful and had opportunity to help some others. I am grateful to have gained some knowledge of Christian Science, which was so lovingly given us by our Leader, Mary Baker Eddy.—

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