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Testimonies of Healing

We have had so many beautiful...

From the September 1920 issue of The Christian Science Journal

We have had so many beautiful proofs of the power of divine Love to heal that I would like to tell of one which has been a constant source of inspiration and gratitude to us. About a year ago my little son caught his hand between the rubber rollers of an electric washing machine while it was in motion. By the time I could reach him and stop the machine his little hand had become apparently badly mangled. Instantly I declared over and over that God is our help in every need, and man's extremity was surely God's opportunity, because we both became calm and fearless. I found I was not able to free him from the machine so called up a practitioner, who came to us immediately, then I telephoned for mechanical help. During the time before the help came the child hardly whimpered but listened intently to the story of Daniel in the lions' den. To me then, it seemed a case for a surgeon, but when the doctor saw the hand we told him to wash it, dress it, and we would take care of the rest. After examining it closely for quite some time the doctor said he did not see how the hand could possibly be saved. He also expressed the belief that if he did sew it up blood poisoning would surely set in and thus endanger the whole arm. We were firm and he took some stitches and bandaged the hand. The next morning he took the stitches out because the hand had healed during the night. Some of the predictions were that the child would suffer from shock and should be kept quiet for several days; that the hand would slough, be deformed and absolutely useless. He was playing around the house on his kiddie-kar the third day, with his hand bandaged. With the exception of a slight scar, which is fast disappearing, the hand is just as normal in every way as the other, in appearance as well as strength. The doctor could not believe what had taken place and suggested that we have an X ray taken, which we did not think necessary. We were accused of being inhuman in having Christian Science treatment for him but I am more grateful every day when I think how really inhuman it would have been to have followed the doctor's advice and to have accepted his predictions.

Words fail to express what Christian Science means to us for this and the many other beautiful proofs that we have experienced in our home. I am truly grateful to Mrs. Eddy and for all the loving help that has been so generously given us.—

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