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Testimonies of Healing

For thirteen years our family of...

From the April 1921 issue of The Christian Science Journal

For thirteen years our family of four have depended solely on Christian Science for healing. In the family we have experienced the healing of diphtheria, bronchial trouble, bowel and stomach disorders, colds, influenza, rheumatism, and indigestion, also of the result of accidents. My husband had his collar bone broken and his body badly bruised in a railroad wreck; he was carried home on a stretcher, and in three weeks was on duty again as a locomotive engineer, as well as ever, and has not lost a day since on account of sickness. Shortly after this our twelve-year-old daughter was run into by a bicycle and thrown to the pavement. She was badly hurt, her legs and arms being skinned and bruised considerably. A stranger picked her up and carried her home and advised us to call a doctor right away. Her father told him we would attend to her at once. This occurred at seven o'clock in the morning; at eight-thirty she started for school, manifesting some lameness, but when she came home to luncheon the lameness had disappeared.

For the physical healings we are very grateful, but far greater than the physical healing is the spiritual awakening. Only by daily living what we know of the truth can we express our gratitude to God, to Christ Jesus, and to Mrs. Eddy, God's messenger to this age, for Science and Health, her other writings, and our periodicals.—

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