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From the July 1921 issue of The Christian Science Journal

What wonderful step it would be in a decidedly upward direction if the entire human family would to-day realize the singleness of their responsibility as individuals! As a matter of fact the entire distance of such a step is but the realization of the truth about man's individual relation to the one source of all intelligence and being. If all men would "be still" for a single moment, strictly mind their own business, give account of themselves in the light of true metaphysics, direct their thinking in the only path in which their true being exists,—their individual relation to the one and only source of existence,—the millennium would be experienced at that instant.

After all, the fullest extent of a man's real accomplishments can reach no further than accounting for his own being, his individual relation to and expression of his (the sole) creator. One of the very first things a Christian Scientist learns is his relation to God, and the more careful thought and study given this subject, the more thoroughly is the fact appreciated that the unfoldment and demonstration of this truth make a man a law unto himself and a party to a contract that extends throughout eternity. A clear-cut individuality is the inherent right and true being of every man in every part of the universe, since equality is a fundamental of true existence thoroughly established, a fact which if realized and respected to-day would relieve educators and world systematizes of their great self-imposed responsibility of taking from some individuals and imparting to others in order to round out the order of things.

Material theories and old theology would have men believe that the relation of some men to their Maker is considerably closer than that of others; that some men are better acquainted so to speak, with the language of God and therefore more intimately conversant with Him, and on some occasions at least it were better that a man delegate his spiritual work or the preservation of his sonship with God to one of these closer kin, to be handled in a more effective and intelligent manner than he himself could do. This sort of thinking and teaching is mythical and always has been. No man has ever delegated the expression of his real being to a brother; nor could he. The very knowledge and constant proof he has of his existence is his real life or relation to God, and he is so close to that truth that there is no room for any one or any thing else to be wedged between, even if he himself so willed, and of course his real self could never entertain such a desire because that man, the true man is thoroughly occupied with his joyful expression and glorification of the only Maker of which he is or can be cognizant, divine Mind.

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