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Testimonies of Healing

I wish to testify to the many blessings...

From the July 1921 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I wish to testify to the many blessings that have come to me from the study of Christian Science. For a long period I had enjoyed perfect health, until during last autumn a very severe attack of what the doctors would call neuritis save me some work to do but with the help of a kind practitioner it was overcome in three days. The peace and contentment and many other blessings that I enjoy through the help of Christian Science enable me to look forward with joy to the time when I can help others as well as myself.—

The above testimony from my mother I wish to corroborate. It is a great joy to see how Christian Science helps her in her everyday life. She is never idle and is a great example to those with whom she comes in contact. Her gratitude is indeed expressed in her actions.

I would like to take this opportunity of expressing my love for Christian Science; it is my source of happiness, health, and supply. I was a hopeless wreck and life was worth little to me. I was weak in body, had practically come to the end of my tether, and had no desire to live. It was when I was in this condition that I heard of Christian Science, and I shall never forget the first testimony meeting I attended. I felt the hope that I had always longed for, and was able to breathe, as it seemed, for the first time for years. Since then my whole life has changed. Christian Science has shown me the way to meet every inharmonious condition and has helped me more than I can say in bringing up my two children. Is it any wonder that we are grateful to our revered Leader, and rejoice in her teaching?—

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