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Testimonies of Healing

I cannot find words in which to...

From the July 1921 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I cannot find words in which to express my gratitude for all the blessings that have come to me and mine through the study of Christian Science. I was brought up by Christian parents and attended a denominational church and Sunday school, but even as a child I questioned its teachings and could not accept them, so I grew up to womanhood without finding a religion that satisfied. My mother was a partial invalid the greater part of her life and for months before her passing away endured great suffering, and as she had been a splendid Christian all her life this embittered me against God. Our friends told me it was for her good and that I must not question, as God knew best. I replied, "If you have no other kind of a God to offer me, I do not want to know Him." I was in this state of thought when Christian Science was presented to me, but I refused it because it was a religion, and suffered on for several years more.

My husband was taken ill with an attack of lumbago, from which he had suffered for twenty years, and as a last resort turned to Christian Science and was healed in eleven treatments. I still refused to investigate its teachings, but after two weeks of persuasion I went to a practitioner and she presented to me a God of love, and gently and patiently led me into the path of Truth. My first healing was of chronic pleurisy which I had had since I was eight years old, and on account of which I had not drawn a breath free from pain for a year before I was healed. I was also healed of chronic catarrh of twenty-five years' standing, and of weak lungs from which I had suffered the greater part of my life. A hernia which I had for many years has also been healed, and a complication of troubles, which a number of physicians told me could not be cured without an operation. I am now well and strong and during the years of our study of Christian Science we have had many beautiful demonstrations.

Truly "old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." I am more grateful for the spiritual awakening which this wonderful truth has brought to me than for anything else. I am grateful for the periodicals, also for all of Mrs. Eddy's writings, especially for "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." which surely unlocks the treasures of the Bible and makes it a wellspring of joy. I am deeply grateful for the privilege of following the teachings of our revered Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, in the way our Master taught.—

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