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Testimonies of Healing

I have long been desirous of expressing...

From the September 1921 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I have long been desirous of expressing my gratitude for the many blessings bestowed upon me and upon my family through the study and application of Christian Science. Many beautiful healings have been experienced, and much intense suffering has been alleviated through the patient work of loving practitioners. One of the many ills healed, some years ago, was gallstone pains. I was liable to an attack at any moment, and suffered untold agony, until relieved by the use of morphine. The recurrence of this trouble often placed me in an embarrassing position, as when suddenly stricken while shopping, or on the street. On those occasions I was taken to a physician, and applications, of hot water and other remedies were used; nothing, however, brought relief but the use of morphine, the effect of which was very disagreeable the following day. For years this continued, until Christian Science came to the rescue and healed me.

I could mention many other occasions for thanksgiving and praise to our Father-Mother God for this blessed healing truth, and it is with a heart full of loving gratitude to our Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, and to the many friends who have helped me when called upon, and for the periodicals which bring the healing truth right to our doors, that I submit this testimony. Through the pages of the Sentinel I constantly reap glorious and lasting benefits. My one desire is to become a better and more worthy Christian Scientist. For the understanding which has enabled me to help others, I am also more than grateful.—

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