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Testimonies of Healing

My first personal experience in...

From the September 1921 issue of The Christian Science Journal

My first personal experience in Christian Science came to me several years ago when, upon locating in an eastern part of the United States, I found it difficult to secure a proper foothold in business. I had exhausted my resources to the extent of being completely out of funds and was well-nigh broken down from worry over my apparent inability to deal with the situation as it confronted me. On one or two previous occasions my wife had been benefited in a physical way by Christian Science, but I had only recognized her healing as something to be glad about and had never given Christian Science serious consideration. Through my wife's efforts we found a temporary home among Christian Scientists, who from day to day gave us new light on Christian Science as something of daily use and help. They also invited us to the church services and to the Wednesday evening meetings, both of which we attended quite regularly.

When things had gone from bad to worse and I was reduced to a mental state of the deepest dejection, I heard a testimony one Wednesday evening which was so positive in its tone that I felt I must meet the gentleman who gave it. Here was some one, I felt, who could prove to me whether there was anything in Christian Science or not. Inquiry brought the information that he was a practitioner. That night after we reached our rooms I made my decision and declared that from then on I would depend upon Christian Science for the solution of my problem. Setting aside my chagrin over being obliged to go to "an outsider" with my troubles, I called on the practitioner. I was in a deplorable mental state and could scarcely speak steadily as I stated my case to him. I experienced no feeling of hope nor did I have any faith in any benefit coming out of the course I had taken. However, I had no feeling of antagonism, for I was strictly neutral in my mental attitude. I had made my decision and consequently would abide by the rules and do exactly as I was told regardless of what my impressions might be. Within a few days I had the refusal of several excellent business opportunities, out of which came a splendid permanent connection better in every way than anything I had ever had before.

I have been sensible and grateful enough to give Christian Science credit for the change that came about in my affairs, also for the increased understanding of the fundamentals governing my work and for greater ability to solve the problems incidental to it. In addition to finding the way out of this financial crisis, several physical healings have been experienced, coming about almost imperceptibly. I used to be subject to spells of constipation and bilious headaches, of which I have been healed. With an increased understanding of Christian Science I have learned how to protect myself from colds, to which I used to be subject. Christian Science has given me a God whom I can rely upon, and has changed my concept of the mission of Christ Jesus from a Bible story to a demonstrable fact.

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