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From the September 1921 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Mrs. Eddy has written of the Rules and By-laws of The Mother Church, on page 148 of "Miscellaneous Writings": "They were not arbitrary opinions nor dictatorial demands, such as one person might impose on another. They were impelled by a power not one's own, were written at different dates, and as the occasion required," and it is well never to be forgetful of this fact. If they are regarded as simply rules for church government, no matter how humanly wise, their import and significance are lost. Like all else which our Leader has given to the world, they are the demonstration of her spiritual understanding. They have resulted from her discernment of the sirens and rocks in mortal experience which would distract the attention and wreck the hopes of the Christian Scientist, and they are designed to point the straight course which leads to the desired haven. By the measure that Mrs. Eddy's spiritual insight and vision transcended that of her followers, by that measure will obedience to the provisions of the Manual bear fruit beyond the conception of the one who has not yet proved what the fruits of that obedience are. It is for this reason that in the experience of that Christian Science church where there is intelligent and conscientious obedience to the Manual there is sure to appear a peace, a harmony, and a spiritual growth which will kindle gratitude and perhaps a glad surprise at such a large reward. When this becomes apparent there will follow a desire to become familiar with the letter and to gain an insight into the deep wisdom of these By-laws and their relation to progress.

Section 9 of Article VIII reads in part, "No member shall use written formulas, nor permit his patients or pupils to use them, as auxiliaries to teaching Christian Science or for healing the sick." This appears under the subheading, "Formulas Forbidden," which in turn is under the heading, "Guidance of Members," under the title, "Discipline." The meaning of the word "formula" as given in a dictionary is. "A prescribed or set form; an established rule; a fixed or conventional method in which anything is to be done, arranged, or said; a set form of words for use in any ceremony." From this definition it is evident that a formula in its nature is the exact opposite of enlightened thinking. It is tradition as against freedom of thought; superstition as against intelligence; dogma as against revelation; the letter as against the spirit.

The healer in a Christian Science treatment, and the only healer, is the Christ, which Paul defines as "the power of God and the wisdom of God." Now a formula is defined as a set form of words, and "the power of God, and the wisdom of God" is about as far removed from a set form of words as anything conceivably could be. One is divine, the other is wholly human; one is spiritual, the other is material; one is the living inspiration of Love, the other is the letter that killeth; one reveals God, divine Principle, as near and dear, the other fosters faith in that carnal mind that is enmity against God. The nature and the effect of the formula are always the same. Whether it be the incantation of the medicine man of the primitive tribes, the more highly developed system of suggestive therapeutics as sometimes practiced in the modern hospital, or the pseudo science of the malpractitioner, it is always mesmeric in its nature. In so far as it is a matter of degree, the last named is the most pernicious phase; for while the suggestive therapeutics of the hospital is harmful and robs the patient of inherent mental rights, it is at least frank in pretending to be nothing but the operation of human thought, while pseudo science calls itself divine and is Beelzebub practicing in the name of Truth. Here as everywhere the most insidious form of evil is that which decks itself in the garments of good. Oftentimes the letter of the formula will not bear scientific analysis; but this is not the decisive test, for sometimes the words may be correct, even quotations from the Bible or Science and Health may be adopted and perverted to this misuse. The presence of the formula is always indicated by the thought and motive behind its use this motive being to make the human mind a factor in the healing work.

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