When my daughter was nine months old, physicians gave up her case, and a Christian Science treatment healed her in an hour. My first test came when I remembered I had been warned by the physicians against giving her milk, which, it was said, would prove fatal. When the Christian Science practitioner arrived, I asked her what I ought to do, and her quiet answer was, "If you have dismissed the physician, why not leave this case in the hands of God, the great Physician?" I gave the baby her milk; she slept all night and awoke the next morning a normal, happy child.
Several years ago, when under severe mental anguish, I laid aside all else and read "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, through, with the result that I gained mental relief and proved that "immortal Mind heals what eye hath not seen" (p. 179). An outpouring of poison without pain was proof that I had been physically relieved of a condition which I did not know existed. In fact, no one in the family knew of this experience till long afterward.
Much happiness and much protection have come into my life through an understanding of Christian Science. Sin, disease, and a sense of separation have been healed. I find my life brightened with better friends, many more opportunities for good, a larger appreciation of the higher things of life, and a more compassionate love for mankind. I am grateful to loving friends and practitioners who have helped me understand Mrs. Eddy's rediscovery of the truth.— Bradentown, Fla.