It is with a deep feeling of joy and gratitude that I give in brief to the world my experience in Christian Science. Having been raised under the loving care and protection of a mother who depended entirely upon this beautiful truth, I knew that it meant a great deal to me each day, but I always depended on my mother or a practitioner for any special help needed.
Almost eight years ago I found myself suffering from a severe attack of gallstones. I called a Christian Science practitioner, and through his loving work received immediate relief; but the disease was not completely destroyed. It was not until the third attack (each time more severe) that it was entirely overcome. I never for a moment doubted, but knew that the truth as taught in Christian Science could and would heal me. Although I felt weak after these attacks, I did not lose any time at my work. I have never had the slightest indication of a return of this trouble since, and know that I am completely healed.
I am deeply grateful to Mrs. Eddy for this beautiful truth, which she has so faithfully and unselfishly given to us all. Christian Science teaches the ever-presence and omnipotence of God's love and its power to heal and save. It has been the only help or physician in our home for more than seven years, and has met our every need at all times.