When I first became interested in Christian Science, it was not because I wanted physical healing, but because I was dissatisfied and wanted a better understanding of God; and to my great delight I soon found joy and peace, far beyond my expectations.
In the winter of 1919, I was assisting in a large municipal kitchen fitted out with gas ranges, when I came in contact with a gas explosion from one of them. My face and neck were terribly burned, and I lost much of my hair from contact with the flames. My first thought was: God is my life; He is All-in-all, and ever present; and I have nothing to fear. Those present were very much alarmed. I was taken home, and urged to have medical aid. I refused, knowing that as a child of God I needed no other physician; but a doctor was sent, who gave instructions to bandage my face and keep the bandage on for perhaps a week or more.
After the physician left, I took my copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, and went to my room. There I continued to read its loving messages of Truth far into the night, trying to realize that I was being governed by divine Love, which is always perfect and harmonious. When I awoke the next morning, I removed the bandage from my face and went about my household duties as usual, mentally denying all seeming sense of discord with the truth as I understood it. In a very few days I was out again, and went about as usual without any discomfort. Had I relied upon medical treatment, it would, without doubt, have been much longer before I could have left the house or removed the bandage.