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[As published in the Christian Science Sentinel of November 24, 1923]

From the January 1924 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Cooperation is the keynote of the various activities of our movement. Without cooperation it would be impossible to experience that helpfulness which our Leader describes on page 518 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures": "The rich in spirit help the poor in one grand brotherhood." Cooperation on a large scale, however, is only possible through organization.

The Manual of The Mother Church is the basis of organization in the Church of Christ, Scientist. It is not surprising, then, that error, after having repudiated the Manual and openly violated its provisions, should cry out against organization. Its efforts are aimed at the destruction of what our Leader so faithfully labored through many years to establish and maintain, however loud may be its protestations to the contrary.

That Mrs. Eddy provided the Christian Science organization as an essential means to spiritual growth, is strongly set forth in her letter which appears in this issue of the Sentinel. She saw that without organization it would be impossible to sustain our churches, our Sunday schools, our periodicals, our Metaphysical college, our Publishing Society, our Board of Lectureship, our Reading Rooms, our Committees on Publication,—one and all of the various institutions of The Mother Church and its branches. Without organization our great religious movement would be like an automobile without an engine; it could move in only one direction,—downhill.

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