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Testimonies of Healing

It is with a deep sense of gratitude...

From the January 1924 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is with a deep sense of gratitude to God, and an earnest hope that it may benefit some one seeking the truth, that I write this testimony. Six years ago I was led to a Christian Science practitioner. I had been suffering all winter from many physical ills, such as uric acid poisoning, abscesses, and rheumatism; and, as might be supposed, my mental attitude was not what it should have been. However, not only was I healed, for which I have never ceased to be grateful, but after a second talk with the practitioner, I knew I should never have need of materia medica again. I had gained an understanding of divine Principle, a sense of sureness of the truth of being, and the knowledge that man, as God's image and likeness, could reflect only perfection. Then the realization came that error was nothing and could be overcome; and I knew my rightful place among the children of God. I saw how variable is so-called human law, and that it is only God's law which is invariable and omnipotent; that I had only to get above the clouds of sense, and know that God's law is always operative. Then a wonderful peace came to me, and I found rest.

We have used Christian Science in our home ever since; and it has never failed any of us in need. We have been able to overcome many discordant conditions through the realization of the omnipotence of divine Mind and the powerlessness of mortal mind's arguments.

There is one demonstration for which I am particularly grateful. My daughter, in carrying a kettle of scalding water, dropped it, and the entire contents spilled over her legs and feet. I knew the truth at once very clearly, and said to her, "Remember, there can be no accident in divine Mind." The healing was instantaneous, so that she had no pain; and there was no trace of a scar left. We have also learned that our seeming defeats, as well as our victories, bring us nearer to God; and have found very true the words of Mrs. Eddy in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 410), "Every trial of our faith in God makes us stronger."

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