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From the January 1924 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"KEEP thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life," we read in Proverbs. The right idea, which delivers from the beliefs of evil and limitation, appears in proportion to the individual desire to be right and to do right. This desire is expressed in the endeavor to forsake mortal viewpoints, and to entertain the highest, best, and most desirable concepts of being.

On page 288 of "Miscellaneous Writings" Mrs. Eddy says, "Wisdom in human action begins with what is nearest right under the circumstances, and thence achieves the absolute." Human difficulties are of human origin, and are incidental to the belief that matter is real and that man is material. The teaching of Christ Jesus plainly shows that man is spiritual; that his Life is Spirit, God; and that God should be acknowledged as supreme, omnipotent, the only power governing all. On this basis, the false claims of evil to control or limit in any way are recognized for what they are and always have been,—mere states of human belief, which spiritual sense corrects and overcomes.

Evil is not substance. It is impotent when confronted by the true idea of God. Had the wise man asked for material blessings, for long life, or riches, or the downfall of his enemies, he would have raised a selfimposed barrier against the richer gift; but having sought the higher blessing, he gained also wealth and honor. We thus learn that when in perplexity, doubt, or fear on any subject affecting our own welfare or that of others, our hope always should be in God. He giveth us richly out of His great storehouse; and never leaves one of His children in darkness, if His help is sought in sincerity of heart.

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