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From the January 1924 issue of The Christian Science Journal

MORTALS are prone to obey what they believe to be Truth. The beliefs which they regard as true to a very great degree govern and control their thoughts, acts, and modes of life. In consequence, it has long been the effort of men to discover Truth and to establish it in their thinking. This search is as old as the Adamrace; for one of the early desires of mortals was to determine their relation to the universe in answer to the question, Whence and whither?—that is to say, to find the truth of existence. To solve this problem and to become assured that one has really found the answer should be a reason greatly to rejoice.

A mortal regarding himself as limited to the round of beliefs within his material range of thinking, looks to human experience in search for an answer to this question. The concepts of men seem confined in their scope to this class of beliefs; and only as the light of spiritual truth breaks through does vision clear. The false beliefs which constitute mortal mind, it is learned in Christian Science, can have no relation to Truth; for, emanating as they do from the concept of existence as wholly material, they have no grasp of the spiritual, which is altogether beyond the reach of mortal beliefs. It is, therefore, little wonder that, failing to recognize Truth as supreme, mortals are constrained to accept the erroneous evidences of the senses as true.

One does not far pursue the study of Christian Science before it becomes apparent that since error is unreal, it is one's constant necessity to destroy the beliefs of its seeming reality. So long as the false is accepted as true, falsity, not Truth, seems to be supreme and to govern one's thoughts and acts: but, progressing, one learns that since Truth is God, it is divine; hence perfect, eternal, and unchangeable. Of the necessity of denying error in order to establish the supremacy of Truth, Mrs. Eddy says in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 406): "We can, and ultimately shall, so rise as to avail ourselves in every direction of the supremacy of Truth over error, Life over death, and good over evil, and this growth will go on until we arrive at the fulness of God's idea, and no more fear that we shall be sick and die."

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