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From the January 1924 issue of The Christian Science Journal

AMONG the helpful and cheering signs that have emerged slowly, but none the less surely, from recent chaotic world conditions, few are more gratifying than the increased interest in good reading. A quiet, but strong and deep undercurrent, that has been gathering impetus for years, has now reached an irresistible onward flow, which makes it definite and impressive. This current now encircles the globe. And this great distinctive movement is not entirely toward the latest modern effusions. Strange as it may seem to some, it is showing itself in the desire to read a very old Book, the Holy Bible.

Furthermore, there is an increasing disposition not only to read the Bible, but also to understand it and to apply its teachings. A long list of unmistakable signs pointing to the desire to investigate the Word of God might be mentioned. One which has attracted much attention is that the Bible has recently been added to the literary course of several of our great universities; although, on reflection, one may wonder that the world's greatest literary masterpiece was ever ignored as a cultural asset, rather than at its being used as such. Certainly no one with any pretense to scholarship can afford to be ignorant of its matchless literary beauty. But where did the newly awakened interest in the Bible start? Where did this latter-day desire to know the truth which it contains originate? The most distinct and farreaching influence emanates directly From a book now read throughout the civilized world, and more frequently read in connection with the Bible than any other book in the world,— the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy.

Those who are fully acquainted with the facts know that this textbook by the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, not only is used regularly at all Christian Science services and by Christian Scientists in their daily reading, but is also read and esteemed by many other thousands who have been healed, uplifted, and benefited by its perusal. These facts alone would give the Christian Science textbook its unique and unquestioned place; but behind them lies the great fundamental reason: Science and Health is a spiritual, not a dogmatic, interpretation of the Bible. To Christian Scientists, therefore, and to the ever increasing ranks of inquirers throughout the world, these two books are inseparable. Their interrelation is self-evident. The corroborative spiritual evidence contained in each is boundless in application; and from this illuminating influence, flowing like light from the one source, proceeds a pure current of thought, which is to-day reaching in some measure into every avenue of the printed word,— newspapers, magazines, books, pamphlets, advertising, special periodicals, and especially and with great significance, into the daily press.

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