Gratefully I acknowledge the untold blessings that have come to me since I began to grasp the truth as unfolded to me in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. About seven years ago I was healed of stomach, kidney, and heart trouble, also of rheumatism of long standing, for which I had been taking medicine for over sixteen years without any result. I was also healed of sleepless nights and of the tobacco habit. These were, to me, wonderful demonstrations of spiritual healing. I am past seventyone years of age, and have had no return of any of the ills mentioned. I am very grateful to God; also to Christ Jesus, the Way-shower, and to our revered Leader, Mrs. Eddy, for giving us this wonderful blessing.
I am very grateful to the loving and kind practitioner who helped me and showed me how to follow that straight and narrow way which leads to divine Love. I am a member of First Church of Christ, Scientist, in this city.— San Antonio, Texas