One of the greatest problems having to do with the readjustment of world conditions to-day is involved in the question of employment. That this is so is due, without doubt, to the fact that mankind has been taught that work is absolutely essential in providing the necessities of life. This is, of course, in accordance with the so-called curse pronounced upon Adam and the Adamic race, following disobedience to the divine command. Perhaps one reason for the seeming confusion and turmoil concerning employment at home and abroad is that the question has been considered in the reverse instead of the natural way, the cart being put before the horse, so to speak.
Let us reason from the standpoint that work is a blessing instead of a curse, a means of growth and happiness instead of the curtailment of enjoyment; and also that work is natural, because it is the expression of activity, which is always right.
The first instance of work recorded in the Bible is the work of God,—the appearing of ideas. Is not this illuminating to the student of Christian Science, who is learning more and more of God as divine Mind, supreme wisdom, infinite intelligence? Is it not a blessing to be able to think rightly, to manifest divine intelligence and wisdom?