THE universal message of Christian Science may come to each human heart that awakens to its meaning in a somewhat different way; and possibly this purification of thought may result in a certain amount of salutary upheaval. There are few students of its teachings, however, who will not affirm that one of the most precious gifts which divine Science has brought to them in a restless and clamorous world is that of peace,—just a glimpse, perhaps, at first. But this quietness of heart increases as the student faithfully studies the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, until it becomes an habitual mental state which the world cannot break into or shake.
The Revelator, in impressive symbolism, seems to be depicting something of the struggles of mortal consciousness toward this steadfast spiritual peace, where he describes the opening of the seven seals in the Apocalypse. The terrific manifestations after each seal is opened reach a climax at the sixth seal, where the apparent uncovering and destruction of all mortal beliefs is accompanied by earthquake, darkness, terror, and punishment, followed by the opening of the seventh seal, with its totally different result, namely, marvelous and complete silence, peace, and prayer. "And when he had opened the seventh seal," we read, "there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour. . . . And the smoke of the incense, which came with the prayers of the saints, ascended up before God out of the angel's hand."
Silence and prayer our Leader, Mrs. Eddy, has coupled together in a very significant way for her Church of Christ, Scientist. She tells us in Science and Health (pp. 12, 13), "In divine Science, where prayers are mental, all may avail themselves of God as 'a very present help in trouble.' " Therefore, although the uncovering and destruction of the errors of mortal belief still go on, we can be happy even in the midst of a seemingly violent manifestation of unreal sense-testimony, knowing that the silent prayers of the church which Mrs. Eddy founded on the Rock, Christ, are encircling the world, bringing a sweet and loving "Peace, be still" to the sorrows of sorely suffering mankind.