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[As published in the Christian Science Sentinel of April 24, 1926]


From the June 1926 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In more than one instance recently, anonymous communications have been mailed from Boston by individuals who evidently intended that the mailing from Boston should convey a false impression. And we are informed that many Christian Scientists have inferred from the Boston date line and the Boston postmark, that one of these communications had some official sanction. Of course, it should be considered that anybody can get anything printed at Boston and almost anything mailed at the Boston Post Office. Furthermore, when speaking of "the man of integrity," "the upright man," our Leader has said, "In all his pursuits, he knows no path but the fair, open, and direct one, and would much rather fail of success than attain it by reproachable means" (Miscellaneous Writings, p. 147). Therefore, Christian Scientists should not give any credence to printed matter for which no one assumes responsibility, and should expect that all communications from The Christian Science Board of Directors, or from any one acting for The Mother Church, will be duly attested.

In this connection it will be pertinent to mention that a mischievous circular relating to the alleged processes of being admitted to branch church membership has recently been anonymously circulated from Boston, and it would be well for any one receiving it to refer to our statement in the Christian Science Sentinel of June 6, 1925 [see July, 1925, Journal], entitled "Joining the Church."

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