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From the June 1926 issue of The Christian Science Journal

ALTHOUGH mankind waited for more than eighteen hundred years for an answer to Pilate's question, "What is truth?" yet we may be sure that the answer came when mortals were prepared to receive it and to profit by it. In Christian Science, Mrs. Eddy not only gave complete reply to that historic question through revealing Truth, its nature and quality, but she also gave mankind the method whereby the tremendous potency of Truth is made available for the solution of the problems of life, of whatsoever character.

In establishing the fact that God is infinite Truth and that all truth emanates from Him, Mrs. Eddy also dealt with the belief of another cause or creator, opposite to infinite Truth, or Spirit, which is the only creator of the infinite and perfect universe, including man. This seeming opposite is the supposititious creator of the so-called material universe. But the allness of God, infinite Spirit, denies another creator and another universe; hence the inevitable conclusion that matter, Spirit's unlikeness, is unreal. This fact Mrs. Eddy sets forth in one of her characteristically concise sentences, the meaning of which is fraught with tremendous import to mankind. On page 273 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" she writes, "There is no material truth."

To the unprepared thought this statement may seem astounding, incredible; but in the light of her revelation as to the character and allness of Truth, it stands out as the inevitable conclusion deduced from her premises. To be sure, mortals seem quite unable to grasp this, and its full meaning does not appear even when some glimpse of the fact of God's allness becomes manifest. Yet we may make great strides in the attainment of its meaning through the study and practice of our Leader's teachings. When once we catch even a hint of the great truth that God is All, and infinitely good, that Spirit and Spirit's manifestation constitute reality, matter loses something of the seeming quality of reality with which we have been accustomed to endow it.

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