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From the June 1926 issue of The Christian Science Journal

THROUGH Christian Science mankind is led into the atmosphere of freedom, learning intelligently to know God—Life, Truth, and Love. One is thereby able to apprehend, probably for the first time, the true meaning of the words, "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." Whereas, before studying this priceless subject he was continually asking himself the age-worn question. "What is truth?"—in other words, "What is God?" and "What am I?"—he is now able to say with confidence: "I have learned something of God and of my own identity as His child. I have learned through Christian Science of a definite and certain basis on which to build my thinking, and I have some understanding now of the Science of Life." The Science of Life, as revealed to us by Mrs. Eddy, is infallible, perfect, and real; and there is no one who may not understand it and accept it as true, if he is only willing to open his thought and allow prejudice and preconceived ideas to be eliminated. The great facts that God is perfect divine Mind and that man is God's perfect image and likeness are happily being grasped by many to-day, and are ever giving food for thought.

When first one hears of Christian Science, the truth comes to the unbiased consciousness as a great revelation, and does wonders in one's life. It heals, perhaps, some dread disease; and it certainly gives one an entirely different outlook on life. The world might call this outlook "taking an optimistic view of things;" really, it is the action of Truth on human consciousness, setting it free. This freedom, found in Christian Science, is something which can never be lost, and which increases with greater understanding of this Science, until it becomes an integral part of one's consciousness.

Through this freedom one gains a yet deeper and fuller knowledge of God, as well as the ability to differentiate quickly between the real and the unreal, the true and the false. As we base our thought on the fact that the only reality there is is divine Mind, much of the thought and power we had given to matter is cut away, and we are able to let go of the beliefs of a material body as real and having power in and of itself, together with the fears of sickness, loss, change, separation, and limitation, which such beliefs bring in their train. This understanding of the reality and allness of Mind lifts us into the glorious sunlight of Truth, where health, peace, beauty, brotherly love, and an understanding of the infinite supply of good are gained.

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