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From the June 1926 issue of The Christian Science Journal

NO question to-day is of more vital importance to the welfare of mankind than how to bring about a better understanding between the various nations which comprise the human race. Few, perhaps, realize how deep-seated in human consciousness are the inherited beliefs and prejudices which characterize nations; and the trend of education is to intensify and strengthen these beliefs, inculcating in the budding thought of childhood the firm conviction of the superiority of one's own country over any other. From his very babyhood the child is educated in this false sense of patriotism, which ultimates in destructive criticism, engendering hatred and distrust, criticism far removed from the spirit of the teaching of the Sermon on the Mount.

Do we, as Christian Scientists, realize sufficiently the tremendous importance of this question? Are we faithfully and persistently striving to overcome in our own thinking these separating thoughts of nationality, and to see the unreality of that which claims to divide the world into contending factions? Mrs. Eddy tells us plainly in "Miscellaneous Writings" (p. 18), "Only by admitting evil as a reality, and entering into a state of evil thoughts, can we in belief separate one man's interests from those of the whole human family, or thus attempt to separate Life from God." Solemn words indeed, and pregnant with meaning for every earnest thinker! The work of every Christian Science practitioner is to bring out in his own understanding and in that of his patient a clearer concept of God, and of man made in His image and likeness. Just as it would be absurd and impossible to conceive of God as exclusively national, so it should be equally absurd and impossible to think of man, the image and likeness of universal divine Love, as belonging to any particular nation, race, sect, or creed.

The great need of humanity to-day is first of all to gain a clearer knowledge of the universality of divine Love, that Father-Mother Love which knows no distinction of race or person, and which is wide, boundless, and available to all. Mrs. Eddy, in establishing the Christian Science movement, opened its agencies to all earnest seekers for Truth, regardless of race or nationality. Does not the very name, The Mother Church, bring to our thought the nature of divine Love? The true mother-love sees no difference between one child and another; to it they are all alike precious, all of equal importance; and its arms are outstretched in loving welcome to the poor, the sick, the outcast, and the sinning, as well as to the healthy and prosperous.

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