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Testimonies of Healing

[Original testimony in German]

I wish to express my heartfelt...

From the April 1927 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude for my healing, and for many other blessings which have come to me in Christian Science. For about thirty years I suffered from a chronic nephritic disorder, with which I was confined to bed every winter. I suffered alternately, year after year, from nephritis and bleeding kidneys, combined with suppuration of the latter. I had no hope of regaining my health, since the physicians had informed me that an operation was impossible, as both kidneys were diseased. So I bore my sufferings with patience, in the belief that God had inflicted them upon me.

In February, 1924, I was lying in bed as usual with fever and severe pain, when a dear acquaintance, who had heard about Christian Science, visited me. She asked me if I would like to try it. I was perfectly willing to do so, and asked a practitioner for help. First of all, he sent me some copies of Der Herold der Christian Science to read, and then he came to read to me from the Bible and the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, and to explain to me that God is Love and does not send sickness. This teaching was so new to me and so beautiful that I completely forgot my sickness, and in this one visit, in about three hours, I was healed of a complaint of many years' standing.

I had been in bed nine weeks, had not been able to eat anything, and could no longer sit up. Now I acquired such an appetite that I was able to eat all kinds of food which had previously hurt me. I arose from my bed immediately, and went to see the friend who had recommended Christian Science. It was on February 24, and the temperature was seven degrees above zero. The cold did not hurt me, I was so joyous and happy; and I knew only the one thing—that God did not create sickness. The complaint has never returned. I was also completely healed of a severe throat disease—chronic pharyngeal catarrh. I had consulted more than twenty-five physicians; but not one of them could heal me. I was told again and again that my trouble was chronic and incurable, and I suffered severe internal pain.

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