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From the May 1927 issue of The Christian Science Journal

WHEN man s work has been viewed from a merely human standpoint, the reverse of truth has appeared and a large share of the misery in the world has resulted from a total misapprehension of what man's work really is, and of how it is to be accomplished. Although prophet and apostle had glimpsed the true concept of work, and although Jesus understood and demonstrated it perfectly, it was not until the revelation of Christian Science came to the world through our God-inspired Leader, Mrs. Eddy, that it became possible for everyone to understand the divine truth in regard to work, and how to make this truth his own.

The clear vision of man's work which Christian Science presents, is here to lighten every burden, to transform all right effort into glorified activity, to awaken every individual to the joy, privilege, and satisfaction to be found in all true work, and to indicate the exact nature of it, as well as the exact manner in which to perform it. Christian Science shows that in reality all men have in a certain sense similar work to do, and that all have equal opportunity, ability, intelligence, and power to use in its accomplishment, since in God's plan for His creation there can be no partiality, no especial privilege, no unequal endowment.

Christian Scientists are quite willing to accept all this from the standpoint of absolute Truth. They are willing to assent to the fact that in heaven man's work individually is to reflect God in every particular. They acknowledge that all of God's children must of necessity have the wonderful glory of expressing the qualities and attributes of the one infinite divine Mind, Life, Truth, Love; that through eternity man's work must be to reflect individually and collectively the perfections of the one Being, the one Father-Mother God.

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