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From the May 1927 issue of The Christian Science Journal

ALL men, we learn in Christian Science, have a right to good in full measure. We also learn from this Science that here and now—in our everyday experience—a great measure of good is possible of attainment. We come to see, more or less gradually, that there is a law, a supreme spiritual law, which, when understood and properly applied, lifts men up and out of all discord, and establishes them on a permanent basis of security and peace. We also learn that complete understanding of the nature and applicability of this law is ours for the seeking; for it has been revealed through Christian Science. We have but to turn away from the arrogant claims of mortal mind and material thinking, and to abide in the understanding of this supreme law, as revealed and clearly explained in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy.

Thus turning to Truth, and day by day continuing our holy quest for the heavenly manna, partaking both of the letter and of the spirit of Truth, and learning, as we proceed, to put into practice what we understand, more and more do we acknowledge the one infinite God, who is Life, Truth, Love, who is likewise divine Principle, Mind, who is, indeed, All-in-all. More and more do we learn to lift our thought of God's creation, including man, completely out of and away from every material condition or belief, into the realm of divine Mind, the realm of reality; for this Science is exclusively the Science of divine Mind. All work done, therefore, in Christian Science is mental work. And this mental work consists of drawing a clear-cut dividing line between that which is true and that which is false. We endeavor to hold in our thinking the truth of God, or Mind, and of Mind's ideas— Mind's creation—in contradistinction to the supposititious material beliefs which lay claim to reality and power. And soon we learn to turn to God with our problems, and to work them out in God's way. Quite early, too, in our study we discover that God Himself has no problem—nothing to work out. Everything is already done, is finished, perfect. God's law is the law of harmony; and our work is to prove this law of harmony.

So we cease quarreling with our problems, wishing they were less hard. We cease thinking that everyone else has an easier time than we. We begin to discern that since "God is no respecter of persons" and the way out already is revealed, our apparent tardiness in overcoming, in progress-making, is no fault of the revelation or of the revelator—no fault of God or of His law. Neither need we regard it necessarily as a fault of our own. Rather do we cease blaming, criticizing, condemning anyone or anything, and begin to rejoice because opportunity of salvation is at hand. We make of our seemingly great necessity an opportunity, a ladder whereby we may climb a little further upward toward a higher round of spiritual understanding. We begin to see that our privilege is to measure up to the divine requirement—to come under divine law, even as in working out a problem in mathematics we must come under the law of mathematics governing the problem. Perceiving that God knows only that which He creates, and that all that He makes is good, we place ourselves under His law and continue to glorify Him.

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