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From the May 1927 issue of The Christian Science Journal

AT a certain stage in the writer's study of Christian Science there arose a keen desire to subscribe for The Christian Science Monitor. To satisfy this desire seemed rather difficult, owing to a sense of lack; but, having learned that a right desire is certain to be fulfilled, she knew that the way would open, and that she must be alert and willing to follow divine Love's leading. A day or two afterwards, as she was dusting an old-fashioned workbox, she remembered that therein, hidden deep down in a narrow groove, was a sovereign. She had been very proud of having saved the piece of gold; but as she opened the box and brought the coin to light the parable of the talents flashed through her memory, and all pride in the coin disappeared, for she realized so clearly that despite its value it was valueless in its present location.

That day the gold which had been prevented from doing its work in the circulation of the world's supply was put into action. A half year's subscription was paid for the Monitor; and when the next subscription was due not only was the money ready for the Monitor, but a full year's subscription was paid for the Journal, Sentinel, and Quarterly as well; and every subscription has been easily met ever since. This was but the outward manifestation of changed thought, a higher phase of thinking acted upon. Thus, by making use of what she had she was fitted to receive more.

Making use of the little we possess is an absolute necessity in Christian Science if we wish to gain more of the spiritual understanding of God's universe, including man. And where is the student who does not? Truly he is hard to find; for having once tasted of the joy and happiness which a grain of this understanding brings into his life, he at once longs for more.

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