"WHERE there is no vision, the people perish." This is a truism applicable to all ages, individually and collectively. It emphasizes the cause and, what is no less important, the sad effects of decadence. The underlying thought is accentuated that right thinking and wellbeing go hand in hand. Nature is interpreted through understanding. But the deeper lessons and greater fullness hinted through form and symbol are revealed only through the vision whose basis is in spiritual understanding.
When sojourning in a well-known and much frequented part of the European continent, a student of Christian Science could not refrain from giving expression to the thoughts which welled up. Nature in its rich profusion at every turn of the way told its own tale, and could not fail to make a deep impression. A simple and frank tribute of appreciation expressed to a permanent resident recalled an incident which took place two days earlier. "What is there to see here?" was the question then proffered; and the restrained answer, "Open your eyes and you will see," in such surroundings was illuminating and arresting.
This incident aroused many thoughts. A deep sense of gratitude was felt by the student for what Christian Science had done for her in opening her eyes, and for what it is accomplishing for others throughout the world. Its healing effects on the world's problems are to-day readily discernible, and its potentialities will continue to unfold in ever greater and wider scope.