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[Written for the Journal]


From the October 1928 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Earth could not make her sad.
In her glad heart
An image was enshrined of Love—of good.
Something of Christ's own joy she understood,
So was she glad.
Earth could not make her sad.

Earth could not make her fear.
Her quiet mind
Rested in faith, which knows no sense of ill.
She loved her God. His infinite good will
Seemed ever near.
Earth could not make her fear.

Earth could not sear her mind
With thoughts of hate.
For in her fellow-men her vision pure
Beheld those holy things which must endure.
She loved mankind.
Hate could not reach her mind.

Earth could not make her poor.
Her thoughts were free
To cull rich store from sea and wind and sky.
The treasures of her Father's house were nigh—
Its "key" she bore.
Earth could not make her poor.

No sense of incomplete,
Lone being was hers.
Though she trod humbly o'er earth's greening sod,
Her spirit true companioned with her God,
Communion sweet,
Friendship divine—complete.

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