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Testimonies of Healing

The desire to acknowledge some...

From the July 1928 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The desire to acknowledge some of the many benefits received through Christian Science, and to do all in my power to show my gratitude, is the reason for this testimony. The truth came to me at a time of great need and, it seemed, in a remarkable way. Some nineteen years ago my husband, in charge of the lighthouse at Cape Hatteras, received one day a package of Christian Science literature, which told of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. I had been an invalid for twenty years; had had treatment from physicians far and near; had used many kinds of patent medicines and other so-called remedies without avail, and was growing worse all the time. My husband read the literature, and his first thought was to order Science and Health for me. When it came, he said, "I have something which will heal you." I began to read Science and Health at once; but as I was seemingly so ill, my husband thought best to write to a Christian Science practitioner for help. I had little hope of getting up again, but' shortly after the practitioner started to work for me I began to improve, and in a few months I was restored to perfect health and activity. I could write for hours on the wonder of this healing and of different experiences in Christian Science since then, and of the wonderful spiritual awakening that came with the physical healing.

As soon as we began with Christian Science we stopped using all material remedies, dropped all doctors, and, instead, subscribed to the Journal, Sentinel, and Quarterly, and gradually secured all of Mrs. Eddy's writings. Together we daily studied the Lesson-Sermons for many years.

I never attended a Christian Science service, and never heard a lecture. I, of course, have continued with the literature and find great joy in the daily study of the Lesson-Sermon; in fact, it becomes more interesting each day. I cannot say how lonely I might be without the blessed Christ, Truth. Christian Science has answered many questions which before seemed puzzling. I am endeavoring every day, in a very humble way, to live more in accordance with the perfect Principle, Love, which heals and saves.

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