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From the July 1928 issue of The Christian Science Journal

ONE of the foundation stones of Christian Science is the understanding of spiritual unity. God is accepted in Christian Science as the infinite One, manifest in His infinite spiritual creation. As there is but one creator, so there is but one creation; and this creation of God is universal. This unity between God and His creation is invisible to the material senses, but is recognized by its reflection, in human experience. Divine power is expressed in the scientific action of divine ideas reflecting the unseen unity of infinite divine Mind. These divine ideas operate to dispel, in human consciousness, the false beliefs of discordant conditions, thus revealing the nature of God as unchangeable divine Principle. Changeless, intelligent Being is One, and is necessarily infinite. Thus, it is beyond any outside opposing influence. And it is ever active Love.

Power, as humanly conceived and applied, claims to be wholly dependent upon matter. Spiritually understood, power acts through divine reflection, and reveals the unity of spiritual Being through the understanding of God and of man in the image and likeness of God. Spiritual power has nothing in common with the false beliefs of sin, sickness, and death, for it is reflected in the Christ-consciousness, the truth about God and man. Its availability is manifest in the healing of sickness and in the raising from false beliefs of those who are dead in trespasses and sins. It is applicable in every circumstance where error may seem to talk. Christian Science reveals the understanding of this power of spiritual reflection, and as yet Christian Scientists are demonstrating but a fraction of its possibilities.

The existence of spiritual power is referred to in Genesis. In the first verse we read, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." In elaboration of this momentous statement the successive steps of creation are covered in the succeeding verses of the chapter, indicating a manifestation of the power, by reflection, of the creative divine Mind. Matter is in no way mentioned or implied in this first chapter of the Bible; hence, there is but one conclusion to reach, namely, that all God's identities are spiritual and perfect, by reflection. The true nature of these identities, or ideas, can be discerned only by spiritual sense. In the final verse of the opening chapter of the Bible we are told that "God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good." There is no mention whatever of matter or evil in this summary of God's work. Neither is there any statement that so-called mortal man saw "every thing that he [God] had made." Only God Himself saw what He had made; and it is only the consciousness which God bestows that can gain any degree of understanding of divine Science, with its revelation of spiritual creation, including man.

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