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[Written for the Journal]


From the July 1928 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Dear one, look up, behold that vast expanse
Of good, of beauty, life, and love, where floats
No cloud of sense; where neither fear nor pain
Can mar your vision of the perfect man.
Son, thou art with me; all I have is thine!
This fact of God's creation stands untouched
By mortal dreams, and all their train of woe.
You are the image of eternal Mind,
Whose likeness knows no fear, can know no lack.
Man has no consciousness apart from God,
No "earth-born taint"* of country or of kin
Is his; for God, his Father, made him free,
And gave to him dominion over all.
Remember Christ has said, All power to me
In heaven and on the earth is given; and, "Lo,
I am with you alway, even unto the end."

The government is His, not yours; you may
In quiet confidence "be still, and know."

* Poems by Mary Baker Eddy, page 29.

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