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From the September 1928 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Happiness is the great desire, and should be the ultimate realization, of everyone; but how many mortals reflect the spontaneous joy and peace which are the expressions of true happiness?

In "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p.57) Mrs. Eddy says: "Happiness is spiritual, born of Truth and Love. It is unselfish; therefore it cannot exist alone, but requires all mankind to share it." In this statement Mrs. Eddy first reveals the nature of happiness. It "is spiritual;" and, being spiritual, it cannot be found in material sense, but in those qualities which reflect Spirit, God. Then it must follow that not until we find God, and reflect a measure of His infinite goodness in bringing forth the "fruit of the Spirit" do we attain real happiness. "It cannot exist alone, but requires all mankind to share it," is the second part of our Leader's statement. Happiness could not exist by itself, for it would then partake of selfishness, an element not in the nature of that which proceeds from Truth and Love.

The greatest joy comes through sharing, and thus finding our own in another's happiness. In what simpler and yet more far-reaching manner can we express happiness than through spiritual reflection, in proof of man's unity with God? Through the quiet reflection of Life, Truth, and Love, expressed in qualities of gentleness, purity, affection, joy, gratitude, humility, serenity, and spiritual poise, we become harbingers of heaven-born happiness, based upon the understanding of the ever present Christ as revealed in Christian Science, which is to-day healing humanity.

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