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Testimonies of Healing

[Original testimony in German]

Gratitude for the blessings I...

From the November 1929 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Gratitude for the blessings I have received in Christian Science prompts me to give this testimony. In the fall of 1925 I felt the symptoms of a severe cold, chills, and night perspiration. Nevertheless, I continued to work. But I was getting weaker and weaker, and in June, 1926, was obliged to give up work. As the sick-fund doctor's treatment was without success, I went to a private doctor, who made an X-ray photograph and diagnosed a heart and nervous disease. In spite of medical treatment my health did not improve, but rather grew worse. One Sunday a friend came to see me and advised me to try Christian Science. I was at once willing to call on a practitioner, and at parting I felt better. From that very hour a change took place within me, and I felt better every day. In three weeks I began work again, and now am well.

This experience enabled me to recognize that God is ever present, and this recognition brought me the comfort and help which I so much needed. I wish to express my profound gratitude to Mrs. Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, and to the loving practitioner for pointing out God as our ever present help.—

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