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From the November 1929 issue of The Christian Science Journal

DEMONSTRATION is a word of such frequent occurrence with Christian Scientists that they may fall into the error of using it lightly. It is fraught with deep significance, conveying the essential meaning of our work in divine metaphysics, namely, the proof of the correctness of our understanding of God and man. This correct or spiritual understanding lifts us from the lowland of materiality to the height where we see with spiritual eyes, and where we can rise above the mythical effects that are brought about by our false concepts of physical bodies and environments, false concepts which sometimes seem pleasurable, sometimes painful, but are always false. It reveals the environment of spiritual consciousness, wherein existence is found to be joyous, free, and true. This is the animus behind the Christian Scientist's work, and its fulfillment spells demonstration.

If the teachings of Christian Science are accurately and actively applied, the solution of every human problem is certain. This is as inevitable as is the correct answer to a mathematical problem, when the rules are properly followed. If a problem seems difficult and its solution is deferred, this is because of some misapprehension or misapplication of the laws of God, good.

Much has been said about the desirability of instantaneous healing. It would seem, at times, that results are slow in coming, possibly giving rise to periods of discouragement which but aggravate the condition and make the healing seem that much more protracted. This is in great measure due to the false beliefs of time and space, which are but the fancied necessities of mortal mind occasioned by its untrue concept, its misreading of reality, which it calls matter. Space would seem to separate us from God, and time would appear necessary for the correction of this falsity. One of the outstanding effects which follow an approximate understanding of Spirit, God, is a proportionate liberation from the limiting sense of time and space. God, who is absolute Truth, requires no time or space to observe His creation, which He sees totally, from the infinitesimal to infinity, as one complete idea, harmonious and eternal.

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