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From the November 1929 issue of The Christian Science Journal

EVERY Christian Scientist desires to be free from erroneous influences. None intentionally wish to yield to, or come under, the domination of any influence which would produce sickness, sin, sorrow, poverty, or death. Mortals as a rule not only seek to avoid those things which they dread, but also whatever will result therefrom. It is in this avoidance that Christian Science proves, for all who will follow its teachings, to be the "shield and buckler" to which the Psalmist refers.

When the argument of influence clamors for attention and admission, how naturally one turns to "A Rule for Motives and Acts," to be found on page 40 of the Manual of The Mother Church by Mary Baker Eddy, a rule which was divinely conceived and inspired, and which came to her as a result of her consecration and fullness of spiritual understanding. This By-Law was considered of such vital importance that Mrs. Eddy required it to be read on the first Sunday of each month in The Mother Church and in all its branch churches (See Manual, p. 121.) As one concludes the reading of this By-Law, the last words in it, cautioning against "influencing or being influenced erroneously," linger for special pondering.

It does not require prolonged study to discern those influences which expose themselves; neither does it require a highly cultivated alertness to avoid them. Any spoken word which is manifestly erroneous betrays the motive behind it. It strips off its own mask, and thus is well on the way to destruction. But the erroneous influence which comes in the guise of that which seems to be good, clothed in the atmosphere of pretended love, offering counsel, guidance, and advancement, is not so readily discerned or so easily thwarted. Its apparently angelic vesture carries a certain impressiveness with it, hiding the real purpose and forming the thin edge of the wedge with which to enter, that it may rend its victim.

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