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From the November 1929 issue of The Christian Science Journal

IN the fifth chapter of II Chronicles is recorded a proof of the allness of God, of the light which annihilates even the supposition of darkness, or error. The glory of God was made visible; and, surely, it is to-day—here and now—the privilege of each individual so to realize the ever-presence of God that the beauty and harmony of Life as Spirit are made manifest. Man's spiritual perfection, his eternal harmony, lies in the fact that he has no existence but in his unity with his Father-Mother God, the glorious divine Principle, Love, which fills all space.

In the record mentioned above, the statement is made that there was nothing in the ark of the covenant except the two tables bearing the Ten Commandments, which Moses had put therein after he had received them from God on Mount Horeb. Spiritually interpreted, the ark of the covenant was the symbol of God's ever-presence, and the Commandments were, therefore, the only law to be obeyed. A joyous and willing obedience to the law of Life brings true health, prosperity, and spiritual peace.

Christ Jesus taught that the law of God could be summarized in two commandments, the first of which could be obeyed only by acknowledging and adoring one God, one Mind, one creator; and the second, in accepting but one standard for our fellow-man, in seeing him as spiritual and perfect, as we must learn to see ourselves. Jesus fully conformed to God's covenant; so God's glory was made visible through him in instantaneous healings of many kinds, in an abundance of supplies with which to meet human needs, even to the tribute money which the law of Caesar—Roman law—demanded. Through his own resurrection Jesus proved that death is but a false belief, ignorantly accepted and obeyed. Thus, as we may read in the Gospels, he gave to the world the final proof that so-called material existence is an illusion which disappears before the realization of the allness of Spirit, God.

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