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From the November 1929 issue of The Christian Science Journal

CHRISTIAN SCIENCE is a panacea for all business ills, as well as all physical ills. A sick business, like a sick body, is the result of wrong thinking, and is many times the foundation of much discord. Indeed, a sick business is oftentimes the open door by which other forms of inharmony enter thought, and as a result of which there is discouragement, lack, or discordant home life. Many times even physical disease appears as the penalty for wrong thinking. These conditions, however, can all be successfully overcome by careful study and zealous practice of Christian Science, as elucidated by Mary Baker Eddy in the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." This book reveals God as the divine Principle, an understanding of which underlies all right thinking; and its teachings are identical with the spiritual truths uttered by Christ Jesus to his followers well-nigh two thousand years ago.

Our Leader says (Science and Health, p. 128), "The term Science, properly understood, refers only to the laws of God and to His government of the universe, inclusive of man." Here she discloses the great necessity of properly understanding the law of God, as a fixed Science; and when understood and consistently applied in daily living, this divine law will be found able to govern every condition with which one may be confronted. It is ever operative, even though its activity may not always be readily recognized. It is fixed and positive. The operation of God's law can never be checked or obstructed. The only difficulty that can seem to occur is that mortals may entertain a false sense or belief about His law. If one is ignorant of divine law as a Science, and, for example, is laboring under the illusion that discouragement, competition, or limitation has power to hinder him from being a success in business, he will suffer exaetly in proportion to his belief in these errors; but they have only the power one, in belief, accords to them.

All problems confronting businessmen are, generally speaking, very much the same. But they seem to differ somewhat, in that one may be termed lack, another competition, another neglect. Yet these, together with the many other forms of error, may very readily be summed up under the head of "sick business." And yet, how untrue all this is, for business itself cannot be sick: it has no power within itself to express itself; it therefore merely expresses the thought of those who operate it. If operated according to mortal mind's belief of success or failure, it can express only mortal mind's conditions; but if, on the other hand, a business is operated in accordance with the demands of divine intelligence, its success is assured from its very inception. One will make or mar his business by right or wrong thinking about it. One's business is the expression of one's thought, a manifestation of one's thinking; and it is a success or a failure according to the Rightness or wrongness of the thinking of which it is the expression. This shows why the understanding and application of the spiritual law of God, as taught in Christian Science, is powerful to heal a wrong sense of business.

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