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From the April 1930 issue of The Christian Science Journal

AMONG Jesus' immediate followers was a young man named John, who has been called "The Apostle of love." But he was not so at first; and he had much to overcome. Jesus called John a son of thunder when he exhibited an unwarrantable vehemence, and even impatience, with the gentle ways and manners of the loving Nazarene. His zeal would even have called down fire from heaven to consume the Samaritan village which had refused hospitality to the Master.

John's transformation, the spiritual mellowing of his character, evidently came after much meditation and the demonstration of the Christ, Truth. The early faults were overcome, and great was his proof of divine Love, for this beloved follower undoubtedly won his way through many severe trials. In fact, it would seem to be the case that he was the only close disciple of Jesus who escaped martyrdom. Thus, from a somewhat unfavorable beginning, John demonstrated the saving power of divine Love as did no other of the apostles.

In a practical way Christian Science offers us the opportunity to emulate John's example; but in doing so we must realize that Christian Science is the revelation of Love, which is God, and that it unfolds scientifically the understanding thereof. Remembering this, we shall not lose sight of Love's essentially compassionate nature when using our newfound understanding of God. It is well to consider the compassionate side of our religion, its humane side, its gentle side. How important to understand how to be truly compassionate! Thus we need to grasp the Science of divine compassion. This Science is not cold intellectuality, but a showing forth of loving, gentle, understanding kindness. Christian Science, however, unfolds more even than a kindly understanding: it makes possible the realization and appreciation of God's allness and the utilization of His spiritual law. An understanding of this divine law gives the strength of tenderness, and the willingness to apply it. But to reach this exalted mental condition we must advance to it through properly balanced growth.

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