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From the April 1930 issue of The Christian Science Journal

ABRAHAM LINCOLN exemplified his belief that only kindness is worth while; for charity and forgiveness were the underlying persuasions of his every act. His beautiful life embodied kindness, even though he did not always meet with kindness in return; and it was his benevolence of thought, his humanity, his loving sense of justice, and his determined and consistent adherence to these qualities, which brought about the abolition of one form of slavery from our land.

Then what shall we say of the marvelous kindness of the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science Mary Baker Eddy, that gentle woman whose thought soared so far above earth-bound sense that she was enabled to discern the wondrous loving-kindness of God and of His perfect spiritual creation, and to fulfill the divine injunction to give her discovery to a struggling world? What can we say of one who possessed kindness in so great a measure as willingly—and, oh, so patiently!—to traverse the valley of material sense, slowly, and often with bleeding footsteps, over a lone and rugged path, and to point out and in humility lead the way step by step for murmuring humanity, so that we too might know the ineffable glory of the eternal freedom of life in God?

What can we say of such kindness? It passes and surmounts all expression; but loving, grateful hearts may show their appreciation by pressing on and on, and ever upward in the way our beloved Leader has shown us, demonstrating the eternal truth which she has given us, until all the world shall know the Christianity of Christ Jesus and the unchangeable love of God. May not this be our gift of kindness to mankind?

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