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[Written for the Journal]


From the April 1930 issue of The Christian Science Journal

At sunset time there comes to me
A vision of the far-off sea
That Jesus loved, in Galilee.

A scene of peace at daylight's close,
When evening sky so, brightly glows
With golden clouds and hues of rose.

And then my vision seems to trace
The form of one with love-lit face,
Divinely tender, full of grace.

And at his feet I see them kneel,
Those troubled ones, that he might heal
Their sufferings, and so reveal

The Father's presence, close and dear,
The tender love that dried each tear,
That healed each pain, and stilled each fear.

And with what joy our lips can say,
The healing Christ is here to-day,
For Love has never been away.

The benediction by the sea,
Of long ago, in Galilee,
Falls softly now on you and me.

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