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From the January 1931 issue of The Christian Science Journal

EXPERIENCED Christian Scientists, accustomed to working out the various problems of daily life with the truth as taught in Christian Science, are well aware of the great importance of metaphysical work done in preparation for meeting the material phases of human experience. They know that the successful outcome of any work is based on the effectiveness of this metaphysical work. This holds true in every branch of our activity; and perhaps there is no place where it is more evident than in connection with our church services.

The responsibility of this preparatory metaphysical work for the church services falls specifically upon those officers, Readers, and other workers who are directly responsible for the spiritual welfare of the church and the actual conduct of the services. But in a larger sense it is the responsibility of every church member, of every Christian Scientist present at the service, for as each one is guarding and protecting his individual thinking on all matters pertaining to the church and to the service, holding in his consciousness the true concept of Church and its activities, he is bringing out this true concept of Church for himself, and is thus aiding in demonstrating the presence and power of Truth.

Mrs. Eddy has given us a wonderful corner stone on which to base our metaphysical work in her definition of "Church," found on page 583 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," the first paragraph of which reads: "Church. The structure of Truth and Love; whatever rests upon and proceeds from divine Principle." How all-inclusive! Since God, divine Principle, is "the universal cause, the only creator" (ibid., p. 331), there is nothing real that does not rest upon and proceed from divine Principle; and consequently there is nothing real excluded from, or outside of, Church.

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