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From the January 1931 issue of The Christian Science Journal

LET us suppose that Christ Jesus were comprehensible by mortals to-day in the manner in which he was nineteen centuries ago. Let us also suppose that an honest, sincere seeker who had observed some of the Master's works addressed Jesus according to the speech of the present time. We can readily apprehend that the seeker's words might be substantially as follows: Master, I see that in healing you do not employ the material methods common to mortals, and I understand that the power you use is different, because you at the same time cast out sin and heal disease. You are obviously a channel for a power which is not of this world, but which meets human needs. Please heal me of an affliction I have been unable to overcome by any means now known to me, and enlighten me so that I may know as you know, and that I may be as you are. The Bible tells of Christ Jesus' immediate response to petitions which, though couched in words different from those given above, were yet expressive of the same hungering for spiritual peace.

Since the discovery of Christian Science many have come to see that their ailments are mental, not physical; and when needing healing they better understand what is the difficulty and what is to be done. It will be helpful for our purpose to know that a Christian Scientist of to-day, asking for aid and to some extent comprehending the situation, might make his request in something after this manner: I am conscious of being deceived by a lie about God and man, and for the moment I do not clearly see what claims to constitute the error; I do not seem able to prove that it has no power or reality. Please help me to realize the qualities of divine Mind instead of accepting the beliefs of the flesh.

Because Christ Jesus was ever conscious of the truth about God and man, he recognized the consequent falsity of the errors by which mortals are deceived. Briefly stated, this is the fundamental knowledge needed by those turning to Christian Science. His words and works, when considered together, show that this is the understanding to which the Master referred when he said, "If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." When one knows the truth about God and man, he understands the falsity of mortal beliefs, and this understanding gives him the mastery over the latter.

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