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Testimonies of Healing

[Original testimony in French]

It is with a heart overflowing with...

From the January 1931 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is with a heart overflowing with gratitude that I write these few lines. I suffered for about twelve years from a difficulty which I was told came from the stomach. The last part of this time I had severe pain. The doctors consulted declared that I had stone in the bladder, and that only an operation could relieve me.

After the day was set to enter the clinic, one of my sisters advised me to go to see a lady who healed through prayer. I immediately set out to find the lady in question, who was no other than a kind Christian Science practitioner. I left her home completely healed. That was over two years and a half ago, and the trouble has never appeared again.

Since then I have studied Christian Science, and it would be impossible for me to enumerate all the blessings which I have received from it, both mentally and physically. I render thanks to God, who has shown me the way, and am very grateful to Mrs. Eddy and to the kind practitioners who, with untiring love, are always ready to stretch out their hands to help us and to guide us during difficult times.—

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