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From the December 1931 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Looking appreciatively upon the lovely drawing of the proposed new home of The Christian Science Publishing Society, which graced the front page of The Christian Science Monitor not long ago, a student thought of the time, sixty-five years ago, when a gentle New England woman, Mary Baker Eddy, acknowledging her own healing by the one God, quietly began to awaken a world from the slumber of centuries. After learning the why and the wherefore of her own healing, she then gave to the waiting world, in her textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," the revelation of the law of God, good, which, when understood and applied, heals burdened, weary hearts of sin and disease.

This law, which Mrs. Eddy discovered, was the same law measurably revealed to Moses; the same law so magnificently fulfilled by Jesus in his earthly mission; the same law perceived by John on Patmos in his vision of the "mighty angel" who "had in his hand a little book open;" the law which has always existed, controlling all real activity, but which men, engulfed in materiality, either have not seen or have refused to believe. This law Mrs. Eddy beheld as ever present to fulfill the promise of the beloved Master, that the works he did should be repeated by all who followed in his footsteps. With meticulous care she established, step by step, the Christian Science movement, which today reaches around the world and gathers within its all-encircling arms the sick, the sinning, the weary, the heart-broken and poverty-stricken, giving to each and every one the measure of love according to his ability to receive, and thus enabling each to go forward with renewed hope and activity.

What joyous opportunities to-day await Mrs. Eddy's followers in the building of the new Christian Science Publishing House—opportunities for mental work, for financial support, for solid, whole-hearted loyalty to the Cause; opportunities that will enable those who are directly concerned in carrying out the project to go forward with a unanimity of purpose that will find achievement in fulfillment of the words of prophecy, "Sing with gladness for Jacob, and shout among the chief of the nations: publish ye, praise ye, and say, O Lord, save thy people, the remnant of Israel"!

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