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From the December 1931 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Throughout the Scriptures we read of the beneficial results of rejoicing. Again and again we find prophets and apostles, when confronted by some trial, turning to God with expressions of joy. Thus they were freed at least from any undue disquietude over the difficulty, and sometimes from the difficulty itself. So also others, struggling earnestly to overcome evil, have won some measure of freedom from sin and its seeming effects by finding joy in God.

The Scriptures contain the Science of spiritual harmony. Our revered Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, discovered this Science, and she has given to us in the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," the definite means of utilizing this harmony practically in human experience. In addition, she founded the movement which is making it possible for men, as soon as they are willing, to enjoy this blessing.

Christian Science reveals the scientific fact that God, the one divine Mind, is the source of true harmony, which man, God's image and likeness, expresses and enjoys. Nothing can lessen or destroy the harmony of being, since God is its divine Principle. As this fact is realized, harmony comes more fully into one's experience in demonstration and should permanently abide.

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