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From the December 1931 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Who says man cannot hear the voice of God!
To-day He talked with me when all was still.
He bade me cease from selfishness and ease,
And humbly strive to do His gracious will.
But in my ignorance I questioned Him—
Father, what can I do thy name to bless,
To lift the burden of those filled with woe?
Came the reply, 'Tis Love that brings success.
So joyfully I followed where He led.
The human sense of self was left behind.
My foolish doubts were dropped along the way
In learning thus to for mankind.
I saw a little child cease from his fear,
A mother's worried look grow calm again.
Depression was replaced by courage strong
In one o'erburdened with a sense of pain.
Harsh words were silenced, and a loving deed
Brought joy to one who dwelt in solitude.
God's omnipresent love healed one of lack,
And one whom sin had long tried to delude.
So through the day, I felt His presence near,
Bidding all human strife and tumult cease,
And in the evening in my quiet room
I felt a sense of gratitude and peace.
And from my heart I said, I thank Thee, Lord,
That Thou hast opened up the way for me,
Through which abundant blessings may be found,
To liberate myself, in serving Three.

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