WHEN God calls there is no mistaking the nature of the message. It is always a call to something higher, to that better part of us that must give all for Christ. This great forsaking or falling away of earthly aspirations, spoken of in the sixth chapter of Isaiah, must take place in our consciousness; and then the true seed will be revealed, "the holy seed shall be the substance thereof." That is the true seed planted by our heavenly Father, which shall increase and multiply and replenish the earth.
By a series of prophetic visions, and through his own experience, Isaiah had been lifted into a conscious perception of the holiness of God. In symbolic terms he described the throne and seraphims as about the throne of God, crying, "Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of hosts." The word "seraphims" is from the Hebrew, meaning "burners" or "burning ones." These seraphic beings stand for purity; and in this instance fire denotes the necessary purification or testing for all who are ready for God's service. The old dread of a consuming fire is changed to joy when it is learned that only the dross can be destroyed, leaving the true substance pure and undefiled.
In deep humility Isaiah, stricken by a sense of unworthiness, cried, "Woe is me! for I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips." Then one of the seraphims touched his lips with a live coal from the altar, and in that moment of purification came to Isaiah the conviction of iniquity pardoned and sin purged. After this came the call of God, "Whom shall I send?" and the prophet, cleansed and inspired, answered, "Here am I; send me."